
FUO has implemented a numbery of project since its inception
  • Illegal logging vegetation in fishing islands Sengerema district
  • Reduce sexual gender based violence and HIV infection among Sengerema fishing communities
  • Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM)
  • Public Expenditure Trucking System (PETS)
  • Strengthening the financial capacities and income generation for small-holders fishers and households fishing communities through VSLA program.
  • Reaching to young people in or at highest risks of intravenous drug use
  • HIV prevention through empowerment of commercial sex workers in I.V drug users 
  • Education to Stakeholders from Bulyaheke and Kazunzu wards of Environmental conservation
  • HIV/AIDS at work place programme in fishing community 
  • Increase HIV knowledge, Risk perception and skills to prevent infections among fisher folks
  • Promote support of gender equitable attitudes and address alcohol, drugs, stigma and discrimination
  • Strengthen the capacity of cluster management to prevent HIV infections among fisher folks
  • Sustainable management of  of natural resources and environment on fish farming
  • Argo-forestry afforestation and reafforestation project.  
  • Study of renewable energy solution to off-grid locations
  • The need for alternative light sources in the night fishing industries of Lake Victoria’ for the sustainable livelihood of fishing community at Bugombe and Kasalazi Island.

Currently FUO is struggling and working on its 3 years working plan (2015-2017) of the six developments and livelihood projects worthier of $ 5,073,816.97 but not remitted to:
“Strengthening the financial capacities and income generation for small-holders fishers and households in fishing communities through VSLA program at Sengerema and Ukerewe district (235,939.4 USD)”
 “Capacity building on fish farming in three village sites (Bulemela, Nyambeba and Buchosa) villages in Sengerema district(298,637.524 USD)”
“Improving quality of health and livelihoods for people living with HIV (PLHIV) and TB through mobile phones and ICT technology (women in fishing islands in Lake Victoria – Sengerema Mwanza Tanzania (139,300 USD)”
“Environmental conservation and management campaign in primary and secondary schools, advocate SAM and PETS to ensure accountability at Bulyaheke ward Sengerema district Mwanza (49,849.047 USD)”
”Empowerment of vulnerable children in beaches and islands of Sengerema district(3,686,691 USD)”
“Pollution control and waste management in lake zone region (663,400 USD)